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Provolone Piccante Auricchio

Food (ITALY)

8 months of maturing, for an unmistakable taste

The rich and full-bodied taste of the Provolone Auricchio Piccante is extremely recognizable and derives from the skilful hand-crafting of the master cheesemakers, spicy rennet and a medium to long seasoning (about 8 months). It is perfect to be enjoyed as an aperitif or, also as an ingredient for tasty recipes.

There are many formats available: the classic salami with an elongated shape that weighs up to 100kg, the mandarin, the giant and scenic bell, also available in 50kg!

Smaller, more practical pieces are obtained from the same shapes, and which are intended and more suited to self-service.

Auricchio: provolone piccante auricchio


The Provolone Piccante Auricchio is available in different shapes and sizes: most typically the salami, mandarin and bell, but also in practical, immediately ready to use segments of 1 kg, 3 kg and 5 kg; and, also good for tasting at the table or for tasty recipes the small half-moons of 300 and 200 g.

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