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Pergamena di Pane Guttiau

Food Sardegna (ITALY)

Super tasty…impossible to resist!

The Pergamena di Pane Guttiau is a tasty variant of the classic Pergamena di Pane. It comes from the old habit to season bread with olive oil or with the drippings of sausages while cooking over the fire.

Cherchi Bakery carries on this tradition making a product that is typical and original at the same time thanks to its simple and natural ingredients: flour of durum wheat semolina, water, yeast, olive oil and salt. A simple food requiring a complex preparation and experience. The Bread Parchment is produced with the aid of cutting edge machinery that are respectful of old procedures and traditions.

Available in many varieties: try them along with your aperitifs!

Cherchi: Pergamena di pane Guttiau Cherchi


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