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Pastificio Columbro

Egg pasta - 'Iris' line

Food Marche (ITALY)

The coarse thin surface of this pasta blends in a unique way with the sauce

The egg pasta 'Iris' line underpins the story of the Columbro family, coarse thin sheets of pasta as is the tradition of the great-grandmothers of the Marche region.

This pasta is made with selected flours and semolina and is processed using traditional methods combined with innovative bronze dies. This method enables the production of the characteristic and sought-after coarse surface, perfect for blending with sauces and making each dish full of taste.

Underlining the process, the pasta is dried at low temperature: this guarantees preserving all the minerals and vitamins in the pasta, as well as intensifying the taste and the aroma.

Pastificio Columbro: Iris egg pasta Columbro


'Iris' line egg pasta comes in various forms in accordance with tradition, always made special by the thin coarse sheets of pasta. Long pasta like capellini, tagliolini, bavette, fettuccine, tagliatelle, pappardelle, paglia e fieno (straw and hay), or in smaller sizes, ideal for soups and clear broths, such as quadrettini, quadretti and quadrucci (small square-shaped pasta), stelline (small star-shaped pasta), semi (grain-shaped pasta), grattini (tiny balls of pasta), filini (small threads) and maltagliati (irregularly shaped pasta).

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